Cat Breeders Directory

Cat Quote: "There is something about the presence of a cat... that seems to take the bite out of being alone." ~ Louis J. Camuti

Siamese Cat Breeders

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View the Siamese Breed Profile - Provided by Su-Su Cattery

Siam Jewels - Email

Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4C4S1

FLWL Member Since 08/14/2008 - Last Updated 04/01/2009

Sehnsational Cat Ranch - Susan C. Sehn, M.S., M.D. - Email - Website

City: Tucson, Arizona 85743

Sehnsational Siamese and Orientals are sleek and elegant, with fine boning but well muscled bodies. Like the Balinese, we often have cats with a white blaze on the face and white mittens. They are playful, vocal, and very loving.

Just Oriamese - Julie & Tammy - Email

Oshawa, Ontario Canada L1G 1R8

We love what we do & it shows!!

Leonard's Siamese Connection - Laura Leonard - Email

City: Venice, Florida

Sweet, loving babies raised underfoot with lots of love. Not kept in cages.

Jacqueline Johnson - Illinois - Email

Siamese Cats and Kittens - Chez Chat - California - Email

Please report any and all inaccurate information

Station One Reg'd Cattery - Contact - Listed 10/18/2008
That Darn Cat Pet Shop - Kentucky - Email - Listed 10/08/2009
Little Paws Cattery - Florida - Email - Listed 09/04/2009
We Are Siamese - Oklahoma - Email - Listed 07/31/2008

Additional Breeders may be found in our Free Listings Section Siamese Breeders


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